Today is the 15th day since the launch of our own local Million Dollar Experiment chapter based on Steve Pavlina‘s Million Dollar Experiment.
So, for those who publicly joined on our blog, Pete, Brenda, Yezhong, June, Mikki, and Bernie, how has it been working out for you guys so far?
Me, personally, I’m proud to report that it has brought me a grand amount of zero dollars. Yep. Zero. Nada. Nothing. Zilch.
However, I’ve heard from some of you that it’s brought in results?
While it hasn’t for me (yet), I’ve noticed some things I like from just doing this intention thing. I started doing mine early in the day on the bus to work, and in the first few days I noticed that it not only had a calming effect on me (due to the focusing of attention I suspect), I also felt like it set a direction for the rest of the day.
The metaphor is instead of taking the car out and driving to see how I could reach my destination, I lay out a map instead and set my directions in advance.
So, instead of unconsciously and haphazardly saying, ‘let’s make money, any way I can find out to, give me some ideas, even if I have to bust my gut doing it,’ the direction is set up clearly, ‘in an easy and relaxed manner, in a healthy and positive way, in its own perfect time, and for the highest good of all, I intend $1 million to come into my life and into the lives of those who hold this intention.’
Interestingly, I’ve begun to notice my thoughts getting more money-focused unconsciously, and in a healthy direction. When I daydream or let my mind wander, they start to drift off into making money and the very positive benefits of making an abundance of money, which is a real shift from the daydreams I’ve had before (ahem, no speculations on my previous type of daydreams, thank you).
I’ve never really bought into this ‘intention’ stuff as it seemed too ‘touchy-feely’ to me compared to the specifics of NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) but the benefits so far got me curious enough to want to find out more about setting intentions. And yesterday as I was at the library looking for another book, what did I chance upon but Wayne Dyer’s The Power of Intention. Hmm.
I’m definitely going to continue this experiment. So far it has cost me nothing except for an easy soothing minute or so of attention and it offers a good potential reward. I’m also impressed enough by the results on Steve’s Million Dollar Experiment page ($8241.29 today!) to want to achieve the same. And this intention thing is interesting enough that I want to continue this practice, looking to design intentions of my own and finding out more about it.
Pete, Brenda, Yezhong, June, Mikki, and Bernie, do leave a comment and let us know what your own experience has been like? And consider signing up on Steve’s Million Dollar Experiment page too if you haven’t already (Pete and I are up there).