How has it been a great year?
After reading on somebody’s blog that she had a great year, I started thinking to myself, ‘Did I have a great year?’
Being a somewhat critical person, I realized this was the wrong question to ask because it could only have a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answer, and my critical voice said ‘no’.
Ok. Restart.
I knew if I wanted a more quality answer I needed to ask a better quality question.
So I applied the ‘What if’ frame and asked myself, ‘What if this has been a great year (more…)
Read MoreDon’t Say What You Mean!
What do I mean when I said “Don’t say what you mean”
What I mean is “Say What You Want!!!”
One of my friends made major purchase as a present for himself (e.g. new shirts, watches, etc.) after series of hard work to achieve certain goals. Listen to how my friend response to his friend comment’s
His friend comment: “Wohh.. You got a lot of money and really rich Huh.” (With sarcastic tonality)
He responded: “Oh… no no no lah… I just …” (With shy tonality) (more…)
The Hand Pump Story
I visit China regularly, and my recent trip teach me something that I would like to share with you, it’s a “Hand Pump”
Hand Pump
Have you use such the pump before? “I have never seen one in Singapore”. You might say. Yes, because this type of pump is only constructed in the location where drought is common. And Singapore is not known for drought area, anyway there is pipe water in Singapore. …
Read More3 Things To Do Before End of 2005
Before you start wearing your holiday hat, there are few things you could do before X’Mas eve.
Pull out your journal right now and complete these 3 activities within next 10 mins.
1) List down your 3 highlights of 2005.
Something that worth remembering, something that makes yourself proud, something that happens because you’ve put that effort in, something that makes you smile.
Read MoreWhy the Ads?
If this isn’t the first time you’ve visited our site (thank you!) you might notice a few more changes besides the adorable Boogie Santa (our Christmas mascot!) mentioned in the last post.
If this is the first time you’re visiting, I’m talking about the increase in the number of ads that are currently showing on-site. Making money from online advertising is something I’ve been wondering about since I started reading about pro-blogging and the amounts that the bigger professional blogger sites can pull in…how do they do it? Starting and running the Life Coaches Blog is part of the test and measure to find out how this model works. (more…)
Read MoreAnother $10 to the Million Dollar Experiment
This just happened: as I was walking back from lunch, I stepped off the walkway and walked on the road, and there, nestled in a small drain unnoticable to anyone on the walkway, was a $10 note.
Whoa! Nice! Woo hoo extra motivation to continue with the Million Dollar Experiment.
Read MoreGive Someone a Magical Christmas
Season’s Greetings! It’s the festive time of year again for (more) good will and good cheer.
I’ve always felt more reflective near the end of the year, it seems a time for me to reflect and review on the year before and plan ahead for the year to come.
And when it comes to buying gifts for friends and family, I prefer to eschew buying widgets. I like to take advantage of the season to give something a little more personal to the people dear to me.
Read More$106 today from the Million Dollar Experiment
Yay! Sold off 2 batches of the old books I’ve been clearing out and made $106 SGD over the weekend. Like the earlier $35 I made from the 1st batch, I attribute this deal to the Million Dollar Experiment, as it was the intention that made me insist on auctioning them off instead of simply thrashing them or even giving them away.
So that brings my running total to $141 SGD ($84.63 USD) in 42 days of the Million Dollar Experiment. Not bad!
Read MoreThinking Negative
David Seah has a hilarious post over at his blog, ‘Thinking Negative’ that’s giving me some ideas on how to write my future posts:
“No no no, that’s not how it works.” the ghost said impatiently. “If you’d had any real talent, it would have manifested itself—at the latest—by your 21st birthday. Too bad you didn’t do more work in high school and college…that might have made up for your dearth of talent, and you could have gone to a really good grad school. Then you might have had a shot. But no…I want to find my passion…” The ghost minced around in a circle, hands waving in mock panic. “I need to know my purpose in life! I’m a maverick! I’m a lone wolf!” (more…)
Read MoreTry: Being in Limbo
In some LGAT (Large Group Awareness Training) and indeed in many coaching methodology, the word TRY is somewhat like a banned word. Many like to quote the green guru of 800 years old of the Star Wars fame:
“Do, or do not. There is no TRY!”
Yoda said it right.
The argument is that TRY presupposes the possibility of failing. Many organizations have already dropped “trial and error” to put in place “test and measure” for the same reason.
Read MoreMy little amendment to The Million Dollar Intention
Yesterday morning as I was heading out I felt uneasy doing the Million Dollar Intention. I think the stress I had been feeling from work had worked itself into my morning and interfered with the usual feeling of relaxed focus I get into while doing the intention*.
I was wondering what was missing, and it hit me. The last couple of days before I had been brooding over what I wanted more of in my life, and I realized it was love and happiness. Was this uneasy feeling a message from my unconscious that my intention for manifesting was incomplete? So in the Million Dollar Intention I slotted in an extra intention (in bold):
Read More30 Days of The Million Dollar Experiment
Yesterday came and went, and without realizing it in yesterday’s ‘My little amendment to the Million Dollar Experiment’ post, it was also the 30th day goal of our unofficial local chapter of The Million Dollar Experiment!
For those who have publicly joined us, Pete, Brenda, Yezhong (who is overseas on a volunteer mission), June, Mikki, Bernie, Adrian and Janet, how has the last 30 days (less for some of you) been? For myself, as I wrote earlier, I’ve made a total of SGD$35 (USD$20.72) so far from the Million Dollar Experiment from an unexpected impulse to sell my old books. (more…)
Read MoreI just made my first $35 from the Million Dollar Experiment
I just made my first SGD$35 (USD$20.72) from the Million Dollar Experiment! Yay!
I found a whole stack of books that I no longer wanted while clearing up my room last Sunday, so I put up an auction for them on the local Yahoo! Auctions. Within a week I had a winning bid and yesterday I sold the first batch of them off. (more…)
Read MorePrognosticating Procrastination
I wanted to write about Procrastination. You know, the big P word that people have blamed for everything and anything. So many people have written about it…the personal effectiveness people, the Getting-Things-Done camp, the procrastination busters and it makes me wonder if I can offer anything different. So I joined the union.
The Procrastinator United couldn’t take off as a collective force coz I saw the sign when I arrive:
Read MoreUpdate on The Million Dollar Experiment
Today is the 15th day since the launch of our own local Million Dollar Experiment chapter based on Steve Pavlina‘s Million Dollar Experiment.
So, for those who publicly joined on our blog, Pete, Brenda, Yezhong, June, Mikki, and Bernie, how has it been working out for you guys so far?
Me, personally, I’m proud to report that it has brought me a grand amount of zero dollars. Yep. Zero. Nada. Nothing. Zilch. (more…)
Read MorePostponing Your Worries
These last couple of weeks have been very difficult for me, I’ve had to deal with work stress from long hours and tight deadlines, coupled with some personal issues that cropped up at the same time. Like the saying goes, it doesn’t seem to just rain, it pours!
To keep myself going, I kept using an old and simple technique of mine. Whenever I felt a negative emotion welling up, I just told myself:
“Not now, later.”
Read MoreEmotional Labour vs Emotional Exhaustion
I wanted to share what I read about emotional exhaustion in this post. But I realize I had to explain one important concept ie emotional labor before that. Labour requires putting in effort and from my readings, the performance of emotional labor can be executed mainly in the three following ways as proposed by Ashworth and Humphrey:
Read More1) We fake the emotions that are required at the moment and we can do this by displaying behaviors that are correspondent with these emotions. Such behaviors include verbal and no verbal cues like regulation of our tonality and body language.
Attitude Adjustments 1.1.1: The Apparent Reason for No Good Reason
Now that you’ve discovered how you can be empowered as easily as you can find yourself speaking the mantras that you choose. I wonder if you have installed some powerful stuff for yourself?
Some of you may ask whether this a form of self-deceit? Let’s be honest here, when was the last time a belief, an attitude that you hold or a faith that you keep limit you from feeling or doing good? Are those absolute truths like the sun will rise from the east and set the west? Uh huh…I didn’t think so too. (more…)
Read MoreHow You can Achieve Success… … Everytime Part 3
As promised, I will be focusing on How you can deal with “Precursors of Failure” patterns in this post. Some simple strategies.
1) Threshold blow-out
What I mean by threshold blow-out is to exaggerate your pattern to the extent that it becomes ridiculous. You will know you have done it when you find yourself laughing at what you are doing, behaving like an idiot or when someone comes up to you and ask “What are you doing?!” (For those who knows NLP, yes, this is a pattern interrupt)
Read MoreFurther thoughts on The Million Dollar Experiment
After I finished my intention session today, a few thoughts came to mind. I wondered why I was so curious about the Million Dollar Experiment, and after letting my train of thought traverse itself I remembered a few things I thought you might find interesting.
Read MoreIn 1993 a study was done in Washington, D.C., that assembled 4,000 meditation practitioners together for a 8 week period to practice in the city. During this 8 week period, the rate of violent crime in Washington, D.C. dropped by 23 percent.
The Million Dollar Experiment
Pete, Paiboon and I were talking about the Million Dollar Experiment over at Steve Pavlina’s Personal Development Blog At first I wasn’t too keen on giving it a go like Pete and Paiboon were, but on second thought, why not?
After all, those of you Patterns of Excellence grads and coaches have seen that our minds do influence the people and environment around us (I love you, monkey).
In a nutshell, the Million Dollar Experiment just needs you to set aside 60 seconds a day to think about this intention:
Read MoreAttitude Adjustments 1.1: Feeling Good… for No Good Reason
OK people, besides this being a catchy headline, it’s a way of life…living it anyway. I’ve no idea who to credit for purporting this concept in the very first place and the collective consciousness is kind and will reward such genius!!
Consider how much negativity is out there. Have you considered the pervasiveness of Murphy’s Law in our day-to-day dealings with the world in general? Does it make sense that everything that can go wrong, will? I enjoy lots of Murphy’s Laws and the tongue-in-cheek nature of them all. However, most they are just too fatalistic to my liking.
Read MoreBoon Breakfast: Climbing Mountain Of Success
You do have a goal, don’t you? At least one, I’m sure you have.
Achieve goals, or becoming a goal getter is very much like climbing a mountain, hike up bit by bit. Sometimes, you may feel insurmountable because it so steep, but sometimes you may discover that the slope is somewhere at the back of mountain.
If you were attend any of goal-setting workshop, NLP training or motivational seminar you may have heard about the story of “Yale University Graduate†in 1953. The story goes like this
Read MoreHow You can Achieve Success… … Everytime Part 2
Have you already identified your Precursors of Failure? This would be of greater benefits to you if you have done that.
Now that you begin to become more and more aware of your patterns, you can too now make use of these patterns to work for you.
Start sharing them.
Boon Breakfast: Feel Good…, So What?
I’m sure all of you have read “Introducing Boon Breakfast” and Personal Mantra by Pete
Yes, you can have permission to choose to feel anything you like. It’s your choice.
But before you make those choices, have you think about WHY you make those choices? Do you do ecology check before you make the choice?
Do you know what and why you are after?
Do you know where this path leads to is?
Is that the destination you want to go and why?
Do you know who is affected by these choices?
Have a good day
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