Update on The Million Dollar Experiment

Today is the 15th day since the launch of our own local Million Dollar Experiment chapter based on Steve Pavlina‘s Million Dollar Experiment.

So, for those who publicly joined on our blog, Pete, Brenda, Yezhong, June, Mikki, and Bernie, how has it been working out for you guys so far?

Me, personally, I’m proud to report that it has brought me a grand amount of zero dollars. Yep. Zero. Nada. Nothing. Zilch. (more…)

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Further thoughts on The Million Dollar Experiment

After I finished my intention session today, a few thoughts came to mind. I wondered why I was so curious about the Million Dollar Experiment, and after letting my train of thought traverse itself I remembered a few things I thought you might find interesting.

In 1993 a study was done in Washington, D.C., that assembled 4,000 meditation practitioners together for a 8 week period to practice in the city. During this 8 week period, the rate of violent crime in Washington, D.C. dropped by 23 percent.


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The Million Dollar Experiment

Pete, Paiboon and I were talking about the Million Dollar Experiment over at Steve Pavlina’s Personal Development Blog At first I wasn’t too keen on giving it a go like Pete and Paiboon were, but on second thought, why not?

After all, those of you Patterns of Excellence grads and coaches have seen that our minds do influence the people and environment around us (I love you, monkey).

In a nutshell, the Million Dollar Experiment just needs you to set aside 60 seconds a day to think about this intention:


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