Who Leads Your Reality?

What’s the difference between someone who’s led around by the nose and someone who does the leading?

In Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), we learn about the Law of Prerequisite Variety: the element in any system that has the most flexibility will end up leading the system.

Think of little children, they have incredible flexibility. To get you to do something, they’ll tease, cajole, beg, lie, cry, laugh, use logic, use emotion, jump up and down, be adorable, be funny, and they’ll keep doing it until they get what they want.

Adults seem to have 2 or 3 patterns they keep coming back to 😛


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Getting Your Life On Track Part 4

In Getting Your Life On Track Part 1, we discovered a way to find out if the things we spend our time on are really that urgent and important.

In Getting Your Life On Track Part 2 we revealed how you could use that understanding to develop clear and important goals for yourself, so you’d always know you’re doing what you could best be doing.

In Getting Your Life On Track Part 3 we learned how dumping it, stuffing it and dealing it could help you unload your overload and reduce the anxiety you feel in your life.


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